Emergency Planning & the human factor

When it comes to emergency management you don’t have to go it alone. Major incident support services are available to lower your risk and improve your response. Every day of our lives we take informed risks: we cross the road at a pedestrian crossing; we drive our car to work and the shops; we go […]

“In history, a great volume is unrolled for our instruction, drawing the materials of future wisdom from the past…” Okay, it’s a slightly abbreviated version of a historical quote from 18th century Irish philosopher & politician Edmund Burke but stay with me, there are some valuable lessons about organisational culture here… This month, as Covid-19 […]

“Every year I hear the same messaging about the bushfire danger and every year it never happens to me. Sure, I know it happens but I will deal with it when it happens”. As a Fire Officer for over 30 years, I have met the people who thought it would never happen to them – […]

Sometimes the best ideas come from outside your industry.

When a hospital in the Netherlands needed a more efficient way to monitor patient care and patient inflow and outflow, they looked towards the aviation industry for answers. By creating a Hospital Control Centre that functioned similarly to an airport control tower, the hospital could continuously monitor all operational processes and better address patient-care demand.

Buzzwords abound. ‘Unprecedented’ events, ‘pivoting’ of strategy, and ‘repurposing’ of assets; the massive disruption to business strategy and supply chains resulting from the COVID-19 crisis has left many wondering what they can do to recover and put themselves back on track for business as usual (BAU) or on a new trajectory to a ‘new-normal’ for […]